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Alt 13.04.2008, 18:02   #21
Nach Süden
Benutzerbild von Benny
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AW: Der Zwischenablagen-Thread.

Kanzlerstr. 13
76227 Karlsruhe-Durlach

Da ist nächsten Samstag das Tocotronic Konzert wo ich wahrscheinlich hingehe, und ich schau schonmal an wie weit das zu fahren ist .

Wann wirst du endlich lernen dir nicht den Kopf zu verdrehen
Du fällst über Hunde und deine eigenen Zehen
Du kannst kaum grade laufen bleibst alle zwei Meter stehen
und fällst auf die Knie damit die Wunder dich sehen
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Alt 14.04.2008, 20:32   #22
Georgy Drachenköter
ich und du, im spielhaus
Benutzerbild von Georgy Drachenköter
Registriert seit: 21.01.2007
Ort: Station//Charlie//United States of Eurasia
Beiträge: 2.626
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AW: Der Zwischenablagen-Thread.

Mhmm, mal sehn hab ich noch Jill's installment in der Zwischenablage?

[quote author=unintendedmusette board=write thread=328 post=72186 time=1207783793]Stef, Helen and Jill stood in the corridor outside Major Engine's office. There were a lot of bodies cluttering the place up.

"Where did that bastard go anyway?" demanded Helen "I almost had him with the lightsabre too, he won't get away from me twice" She swished the weapon sulkily - it was lucky that the nearest three corpses didn't really need their heads attached any more.

"Maybe he went back to that room with the screens and stuff" suggested Stef "Chris did make a bit of a mess of it"

"What if he's watching us now?" pondered Jill "this place is probably stiff with cctv" Stef rummaged in her handbag

"Here" she said, fishing out a small cardboard tube "Ellen and I found out the other day that if you eat fifteen blue Smarties all at once you can't be detected by cameras - it works too, we tried it out by doing twice the speed limit in the cooper on the way to the pizza shop last week - no speeding ticket yet, ha!"

"So that's why all my pepperoni was up one end - you could have slowed down on the corners" grumbled Jill, wiping blue from her chin.

"Stop moaning, come on I've got some serious scorching to do" urged Helen, striding forwards and kicking body parts out of the way "I even hope we run into that motherfucker before we find the others, him and that bitch Inky...Stinky...whatever her name is"

Jill and Stef hurried after her, gripping their own weapons tightly and scanning all around for trouble. They knew it was no use arguing with Helen once her blood was on the boil, and they rather fancied a spot of sweet revenge as well.

"How did he know about the Sun People anyway?" pondered Stef "I bet that professor was something to do with HAARP too; seemed awfully easy for her to find a Lost Civilisation like that"

"Gah, you're getting paranoid" said Jill "Anyway, all those Sun People fuckers are gone, Jo's the only one left and she wasn't really one of them"

"WHEN you two have finished your nice cosy gossip" said Helen "Help me decide which way he went from here"

They had emerged into the screening room from earlier, now deserted and dripping with goo, wind whistling through the hole in the ceiling.Most of the lights were out on the banks of computers due to the battering they'd taken, but as the girls picked their way along the edge there was one still blinking, its large screen showing a stylised map of the installation with various coloured icons occupying different locations.

"Shit, look at this" gasped Stef, wiping sticky strands away from the keyboard "Upstairs, it's them!"

Following her pointing finger, Helen and Jill could see what looked like a room off one of the balconies higher up. It was occpied by an icon of an army hat saying SP.A.M.E.;on other side of the building was a room containing a pink flower marked SP.A.I. In the corner of the screen was a tiny icon of a speaker. Highlighting the two rooms, Stef clicked on it and at once the sound from both the rooms could be heard by all three viewers:

`"Imke, you did plant the microship right?"

"Yes, boss, it's all taken care of"

"Good job! So now -- "

" -- soon the girl will start to see her friends as enemies, yes. Soon she will terminate mr Bellamy for us"

"You're a genious, Imke"`

The time the three girls took to lock horrified gazes seemed like half a lifetime, but it was only a split second later that they were charging towards the stairs.


************************************************** ************************************************** *****

Colin fixed his beady eyes on the trembling, cornered chinchilla, weighing up the pros and cons of taking it hostage or making a light snack of it. He wondered where Annabelle was, not worrying for her safety because she was about the bravest and most well armed scorp he knew, but missing her shiny skin and friendly nipping claws. What invincible offspring they could breed, if only she would....eyeing the chincilla again he imagined how impressed she would be if he presented her such a prize as a love token. He could just picture her disembowelling it in her ladylike way, and bestowing her approval upon him. But first, he had to find her....

************************************************** ************************************************** *****

Across the room in the invisible Cooper, the mysterious bond between Matt and Jamie was working its magic. Their togetherness was working better than any drug, and now they sat close together in the front seat, Matt only feeling a slight throbbing from under his bandage.

"But Stef said not to leave the car"

"Well we won't leave it then, we'll just cruise up and down the corridors till we find them - we're invisible remember?"

"Then what?"

"Well, I shall lean out and scoop everyone up in my manly embrace and when they're all in we can bugger off home"

"Manly embrace? Better not try that on Chris mate, he's well nervous of you"

"Well I don't know why, he's my friend and I just want to..."

"Yeah, I know what you want to do, and so does he - why don't you stick to Dom?"

"Oh I intend to, don't worry - I'm working towards that. Anyway, are you up for some action or what? No, not THAT kind of action, come back, I mean lets get out of here"

"But Stef has the keys. We can't go anywhere in this thing"

Jamie regarded Matt, twin blue stares sparkling in the gloom.

"Matthew Bellamy" he said sternly "Am I or am I not right in remembering your misspent youth stealing cars? Are you telling me you can't hot wire this simple little invisible, shape changing, jet propelled, time and space bending, nuclear batteried mini cooper.." the last two words fell dripping with scorn from Jamie's perfect lips "so we can go for a little drive? Or did you invent all that to make yourself sound interesting? Don't tell me, you really spent all your teenage years watching Disney films and making models out of empty washing up bottles" Matt glared back.

"Right" he growled "If you'd just give me a bit if space and let me get my penknife out...."

Jamie slid out of the way wearing a satisfied smirk as Matt first surveyed the dashboard of the Cooper and then began delving about in its private places. As he glanced out of the window he noticed a small commotion in the far corner of the room, eyes widening as he took in the sight of the white chinchilla lolloping
at top speed across the floor with Colin a demon jockey on its furry back, urging it to go faster by squeezing all his legs in a sort of mexican wave into its fluffy sides. Stifling a laugh, Jamie opened the door as the pair drew level scooping up the hurrying rodent and its passenger and depositing them on the back seat.

"Well you sure seem to be going somewhere in a hurry - come along in style with us, mate" he said generously. Colin clambered down and scrambled onto the back of Jamie's seat, watching with bright interest as Matt fiddled with the complicated wiring. In the back, the chinchilla began to relax, away from the threatening presence of the razor-clawed scorp. As its eyes drooped into an exhausted sleep, the first of a small squad of minge nits that had been nesting in the drinks holder began tentatively climbing up its sides. The soft fur made a much more comfortable place to cling than the unyielding slippery plastic, and it was nice and warm too. Soon the whole tribe were happily settled, and the chinchilla snoozed on, completely oblivious. Suddenly, the engine gave a cough, a cloud of black smoke belched out of the back and then the Cooper settled into its usual quiet hum.

"There, told you I could do it" said Matt triumphantly. "Are we still invisible?"

"Check" confirmed Jamieson, leaning out of the door and seeing nothing resembling a car around them "Come on, they're bound to be in some tight spot and we can arrive just in time to save them - I can almost feel my arms around those tight waists, and my hands slipping down to those gorgeous arses, god I love my girls" His eyes told the tale of his wandering imagination, glazing over with longing.

"Well actually, it's ME they really idolise" pouted Matt "And now you come to mention it, I could do with one of Megan 's cuddles right now"

"Let's get moving then - you do know how to drive this thing don't you?"

Matt let out a manic, high pitched giggle and stamped his foot on the accelerator. The papers on the desk swirled into the air as the unseen car left the room and careered off down the corridor, treading the air a few feet above the stiffening bodies of the dead soldiers.

************************************************** ************************************************** *****
As Helen, Jill and Stef approached the top of the stairs, they ducked down instinctively at the sound of running feet.

"What the fuck?" said Stef "Where's Chuck going in such a hurry?"

"Dunno, but he looked like he was shitting himself, and his eyebrows were all singed" observed Helen "Now who does that bring to mind?"

"Jo" came the simultaneous reply. As one, the trio leapt up to the top of the stairs and charged off down the corridor in the direction Chuck had just come from. At the very far end they could just make out the huddle of their comrades as they emerged from Jo's prison, Chris holding her in his arms and Dom clanking alongside holding her hand and whispering in her ear. Jo was looking mildly irritated by it all.

"HEY, WAIT!" bellowed Jill in a commanding voice born of much scorp training "WE'VE GOT SOMETHING TO TELL YOU!"

"What did she say?" asked Dom "I can't hear with this stupid helmet on, can't I take it off?"

"No, they'll be after us now and you need all the protection you can get. Anyway you look sweet in it"

"Sweet? Fuck that!" said Dom, beginning to lever off the helmet and finding it rather a tight fit. Stef, Helen and Jill came running up and trained their weapons on Jo. Chris stared at them over her head in bemusement.

"Hey, she's on our side, remember?" he said. Jo blinked. Her head was starting to hurt, like she should be remembering something important about these people. She couldn't remember them threatening her with weapons before, what was going on?

"Not for much longer" said Helen grimly "Those bastards have implanted her with a microchip - she's going to burn Matt!"


"Ewww, they can't...she wouldn't...would you Jo?...Jo?"

There was a sudden smell of fuel in the air. Megan turned slowly and stared at a patch of empty space behind them "Stef" she said slowly "throw me the remote would you?" Stef obliged, her stare never leaving the increasingly darkening face of Jo. Megan pressed the button and sure enough, there was the Cooper hovering before them with Matt and Jamie beaming happily through the windscreen.

"NO!" screamed Stef "I TOLD YOU NOT TO...NOT TO...OH FUCK!"

"It's OK, Matt's feeling much better" soothed Jamieson, sliding out and immediately looping his arm around Ellen. "We're all here too, so lets get home" Matt emerged from the other side and sidled up to Megan, who instinctively gathered him to her. Unseen, the chinchilla woke up and hopped out as well. It could smell its master somewhere, and it was feeling ready for a nice carrot. And sure enough:

"I'm afraid you aren't going anywhere, my friends" came the cold, familiar voice of Special Agent Major Engines as he stepped out of yet another door. "Your little orphan will see to that, hahahaaa!" Bending to scoop up the chinchilla, he straightened and suddenly dragged Jo out of Chris's arms with his free hand. She stood unsteadily, still not totally sure what was happening. "See, Jo" continued Engines, stroking the chinchilla meaningfully "look at them, they want to kill you, they even have the weapons ready..they want to stop you carrying out your duty, your duty to rid this world of the evil entity Matthew Bellamy...quickly, don't wait any longer..BURN HIM!!!

Jo swayed on her feet, but her eyes were helplessly drawn to the slight figure of Matt and she felt a rush of murderous power.

"Jo! Fight it! Fight it for fucks sake" shouted Jill "Burn him, not Matt, Matt is our friend!"

The cackling laughter and endless stroking was beginning to annoy the minge nits in their furry nest. Much more of this and they were going to have to take action...

"Must...kill..Matthew" murmured Jo. Her eyes began that familiar ignition

"NO!!!" The ABRSS/BBCC and Dom and Chris moved to surround Matt and Megan. And Jamie stepped to stand right beside him. Jo's eyes widened slightly.

She looked puzzled.

"But...now there are two...which one is Bellamy?" she whispered in confusion. Her head began to spin again as she tried to clear it. The nits had had enough. Extending their little teeth they swarmed out of the chinchilla's fur and homed in under the trousers of their tormentor. His agonised screams as he collapsed served only to mix Jo up more, she raked the faces before her in a frantic attempt to find peace. And then she saw her own face and tottered on the edge of reason.

"Jo, it's OK" said Dom calmly, stepping forward in his mirrored helmet. She caught a last glimpse of her bewildered face before he hauled off the headwear at last and flung it aside. "Look at me Jo...look at me" She stared into his determined grey eyes and let him hold her shoulders firmly. "It's me, Dom, remember?"
She nodded dumbly, her legs beginning to give way but held in his strong, drummer's grip. "And you'd never want to hurt me, would you? Because..."

Her chin lifted "Because I love you" she said, unable to deny it any more. It was suddenly the only truth she was sure of. Dom smiled

"Yes" he said "And because I love you"

It would have been really romantic if it wasn't for all the screaming and thrashing about on the floor as the nits settled to their work. And then she fainted[/quote]

Yeeaaaah, hab ich noch
Fighting for Peace is like fucking for Virginity - Matthew Bellamy

People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect... but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly... timey-wimey... stuff. - The Doctor
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Alt 14.04.2008, 20:35   #23
Extrem gutaussehend
Benutzerbild von vinto
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vinto kann auf vieles stolz seinvinto kann auf vieles stolz seinvinto kann auf vieles stolz seinvinto kann auf vieles stolz seinvinto kann auf vieles stolz seinvinto kann auf vieles stolz seinvinto kann auf vieles stolz seinvinto kann auf vieles stolz seinvinto kann auf vieles stolz sein
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Manchmal legt der Tau sich auf mich
Und dann werd ich leise traurig
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Alt 14.04.2008, 20:43   #24
Georgy Drachenköter
ich und du, im spielhaus
Benutzerbild von Georgy Drachenköter
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Zitat von Der Weg ist das Ziel Beitrag anzeigen
Oh Gott.
Das möchte ich jetzt aber doch ganz gerne schnell wieder vergessen!
Fighting for Peace is like fucking for Virginity - Matthew Bellamy

People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect... but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly... timey-wimey... stuff. - The Doctor
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Alt 17.04.2008, 18:52   #25
Georgy Drachenköter
ich und du, im spielhaus
Benutzerbild von Georgy Drachenköter
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AW: Der Zwischenablagen-Thread.

Seit einigen Minuten in wikipedia zu finden:
"Stendhal syndrome, Angel says, is a medical term. It's when a painting, or any form of art, is so beautiful it overwhelms the viewer. It's a form of shock. When Standhal toured the Church of Santa Croce in Florence in 1817, he reported almost fainting from joy. People feel rapid heart palpitations. They get dizzy. Looking at great art makes you forget your own name, forget even where you're at. It can bring on depression and physical exhaustion. Amnesia. Panic. Heart attack. Collapse."

In den Zitaten zu Diary von Chuck Palahniuk.
Fighting for Peace is like fucking for Virginity - Matthew Bellamy

People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect... but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly... timey-wimey... stuff. - The Doctor
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Alt 13.05.2008, 20:39   #26
Extrem gutaussehend
Benutzerbild von vinto
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vinto kann auf vieles stolz seinvinto kann auf vieles stolz seinvinto kann auf vieles stolz seinvinto kann auf vieles stolz seinvinto kann auf vieles stolz seinvinto kann auf vieles stolz seinvinto kann auf vieles stolz seinvinto kann auf vieles stolz seinvinto kann auf vieles stolz sein
AW: Der Zwischenablagen-Thread.

Gebrauchsanweisung zum Reinigen Ihrer

1. Öffnen Sie den Toilettendeckel und füllen
Sie 1/8Tasse Tiershampoo ein.

2. Nehmen Sie ihre Katze auf den Arm und
kraulen Sie sie,
während Sie sich vorsichtig in Richtung
Badezimmer bewegen.

3. In einem geeigneten Moment werfen Sie
ihre Katze in die Toilettenschüssel
und schließen Sie den Toilettendeckel.
Möglicherweise müssen Sie sich
auf den Deckel stellen.

4. Die Katze wird nun selbständig und ganz
mit dem Reinigungsvorgang beginnen
und ausreichend Schaum produzieren.
Lassen Sie sich von lauten
Geräuschen aus der Toilettenschüssel
nicht irritieren,
Ihre Katze genießt es!

5. Betätigen Sie nun mehrmals die
Toilettenspülung, um
"Power-wash "-Vorgang
und die anschließende Nachspülung

6. Sofern Sie auf dem Toilettendeckel
stehen,bitten Sie jemanden,
die Haustüre zu öffnen.
Stellen Sie sicher, dass sich keine Personen
zwischen Toilette und Haustür

7. Öffnen Sie dann aus gebührendem Abstand
möglichst schnell den Toilettendeckel.
Aufgrund der hohen Geschwindigkeit ihrer
Katze wird deren Fell durch die Zugluft

8. Toilette und Katze
sind damit beide wieder sauber !!!!!!!
Manchmal legt der Tau sich auf mich
Und dann werd ich leise traurig
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Alt 14.05.2008, 10:39   #27
will mehr Waldbühne
Benutzerbild von Ramses
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wie gemein
....und wieso immer ich???
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Alt 20.05.2008, 20:59   #28
Georgy Drachenköter
ich und du, im spielhaus
Benutzerbild von Georgy Drachenköter
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Ort: Station//Charlie//United States of Eurasia
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Zitat von Kuutar Beitrag anzeigen
I really should watch it then (old version I suppose or both).

We rarely have dubbing here, only in kiddie films/series.
Another country like that.

We really should do a study about how many countries in Europe get dubbed movie.

Danmark (I used the Danish term again, didn't I? Well, at least I wrote Danish and not Dansk…)

Nur das ich das sicher habe bis der Server wieder nicht busy ist.
Fighting for Peace is like fucking for Virginity - Matthew Bellamy

People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect... but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly... timey-wimey... stuff. - The Doctor
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Alt 21.05.2008, 22:03   #29
Benutzerbild von Viola-la
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Viola-la befindet sich auf einem aufstrebenden Ast
AW: Der Zwischenablagen-Thread.

Klebe dieses Herz jedem auf die Pinnwand den
du gerne maqst,
wenn du dieses herz
0 x zurückbekommst bist du :unwichtiq
1 x zurückbekommst bist du :Nicht gerade
2 x zurückbekommst bist du :befreundet
3 x zurückbekommst bist du : beliebt
4 x zurückbekommst bist du : dich lieben
5 x zurückbekommst bist du : ohne dich geht
die welt unter


Pinnwand in Schülervz
Veränderungen – wir mögen sie nicht, wir haben Angst davor.
Aber wir können sie nicht aufhalten.
Entweder passen wir uns den Veränderungen an, oder wir bleiben zurück.
Es tut weh zu wachsen, wer sagt es wäre nicht so – der lügt.
Aber die Wahrheit ist, je mehr sich Dinge verändern, umso mehr gleichen sie sich.
Und manchmal, manchmal ist Veränderung etwas Gutes.
Und manchmal ist Veränderung Alles.

grey's anatomy
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Alt 21.05.2008, 22:14   #30
Benutzerbild von Uschi
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Uschi sorgt für eine eindrucksvolle AtmosphäreUschi sorgt für eine eindrucksvolle AtmosphäreUschi sorgt für eine eindrucksvolle Atmosphäre
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+ YouTube Video
ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed.
Hannover 07 > Bielefeld 08 > Bochum 09
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Alt 06.06.2008, 21:37   #31
Georgy Drachenköter
ich und du, im spielhaus
Benutzerbild von Georgy Drachenköter
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Ort: Station//Charlie//United States of Eurasia
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AW: Der Zwischenablagen-Thread.

Fighting for Peace is like fucking for Virginity - Matthew Bellamy

People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect... but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly... timey-wimey... stuff. - The Doctor
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Alt 06.06.2008, 23:49   #32
Benutzerbild von Eagle
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Eagle ist einfach richtig nettEagle ist einfach richtig nettEagle ist einfach richtig nettEagle ist einfach richtig nettEagle ist einfach richtig nett
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Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.
Judy Garland

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Alt 08.06.2008, 01:11   #33
Georgy Drachenköter
ich und du, im spielhaus
Benutzerbild von Georgy Drachenköter
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Ort: Station//Charlie//United States of Eurasia
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AW: Der Zwischenablagen-Thread.

From a distance, the island looked peaceful and idyllic as the sun began to rise behind it. The white sand beach sparkled and colourful parakeets began fluttering between the palm trees, sqwawking
tunelessly like one of Radiohead's better efforts.

In the woods however, where the rays never penetrated, a certain Dominic Howard was feeling anything but peaceful. He still lay bound by wiry creepers to a most uncomfortable bamboo table while his
suntanned captors busied themselves arranging their King to his satisfaction. Soon the scaly humanoid was settled on a throne made of skulls which they'd carried in, surveying Dom from a superior height with his pointed chin on a gleaming green fist.

"So, Mr Howard" hissed Kahn "I do hope you are eager to help us in our quest"

Dom glared back. The many cuddles and strokes bestowed upon the Dom Doll by Jo had left him feeling warm and confident; he'd had just about enough of this and was ready to say so.

"Fuck you" he snarled "You must be stupid as well as ugly, how do you expect to get Matt's voice from me?" From somewhere nearby, a particularly intimate fondling of the Doll made him wriggle
and smother a smirk. Levitating above the trees, Jo snatched the Doll from Jamie and poked him hard. The canopy was densely green, they had no idea how close they were.

"You are brave, Mr Howard, or you have convinced yourself you are" sneered Kahn "But let us see just how long that lasts when your heart is offered up to the Gods, you will scream and shit yourself just like all the rest" The forked tongue flicked right round both yellow eyes; they gleamed evilly at Dom as the saliva dripped down the lizard's face.

"Excuse me?" said Dom "You may have some crazy idea about sacrificing me, but I'm here to tell you that you might be having to change your plans - I'm getting rescued quicker than you can say "knife", yeah!" He began to giggle, it was all too ridiculous. Kahn smiled slowly.

"Oh dear, Mr Howard" he hissed "Looks like the jungle juice we gave you to take the edge off things has kicked in too soon....it will probably have worn off by the time the sun is high enough
for the ceremony...too bad..." A fly which was innocently buzzing past was expertly captured by Kahn's tongue and dispatched down his throat in a split second. "But never mind" he continued smoothly after a quick gulp "You are a close friend of Bellamy, the gods will surely smile upon us when we make them a present of your life, Mwwaahahahaaaaaa!!!"

The lizard monarch slithered off the throne with a dry, scraping sound and was at Dom's side instantly. With a claw he speared the rough cotton sheet which covered the captive and twitched it to the floor. Dom glanced down at himself and gasped. He was naked apart from a tiny skirt made of dried grass. Oh, and on the left side of his now heaving chest, a large red heart painted in god knows what glistened shockingly against his white skin.
He stared. Stared some more. Then screamed with helpless laughter.

************************************************** **************************

"This is hopeless, we're never going to find him" groaned Helen, peering over the steering wheel of the Cooper and squinting at the impenetrable gloom of the forest.

Well it's only a little island, how far can he have gone? asked Ellen, nose pressed against a side window. In the distance she could see their beach; Nessy was wallowing in the sea surrounded by leaping dolphins and looking extremely happy for an enormous dinosaur
many miles from home.

"Knowing our track record, anything could have happened" sighed Jill "He might have been teleported into space or something"

"Yeah, lets be really optimistic shall we?" frowned Stef "Come on, it's just the usual natives and cooking pot scenario - we'll storm in, grab him before they put him in the pot and kick the boiling water over all the natives; there'll be a lot of screaming and frazzling and we'll be home before teatime, you know I'm right" There followed much wise faced nodding from five girls who had seen a lot of rescue action. Chris and Matt edged closer together and tried
to look confident too.

"Quick, pass Joe over" squeaked Megan suddenly "I see his breakfast coming"

Sure enough, as the Cooper swung around the extreme end of the island, a horde of zombies could be seen gathered around a pile of stones. They seemed to be moving jerkily to a certain rhythm. Matt silently passed Joe to Megan and she fixed her eye to the sights, training the high powered gun on the crowd below. Then both he and Chris stared hungrily at her tensed arse as she took aim.

"Wait!" barked Helen from the driving seat "What are they all doing?" Flicking the controls to 'Invisible' she sneaked the Cooper closer to the zombies. The nearer they approached, a sound
could be heard, above the wordless grunts of the zombies.

"Holy fuck" gasped Stef "It's Muse!"

Atop the pile of stones, a very battered ghetto blaster sat, blaring out the familiar sound of "Agitated". The zombies were doing their best, but their slow shuffling and dropping off of various body parts were not really doing justice to the madness of the song. Megan shuddered and dropped Joe to waist level, flicking on the safely catch.

"Shit" she gulped "to think I nearly blasted them....they're MUSE FANS for fucks sake!!! How the hell did that happen?"

"Awwww" said Ellen comfortingly, throwing an arm around Megan "How were you to know? Forget it mate" Other hands materialised to pat Megan reassuringly; for a minute or two they completely forgot about Dom. Then there was a sudden chittering sound from the front window.

"What's that Colin?" demanded Jill "Are you sure? God, you're right, look at that"

"What?" asked Helen as they all stared out at the moulting, heaving zombies

"Every single one of them" pronounced Jill "has had their heart ripped out"

************************************************** ************

"MATTHEW JAMIESON BELLAMY!!!!" scolded Jo from their position above the trees "Will you STOP trying to get your paws inside my jumper, give me the Dom Doll and start taking this seriously?" She dug her fingernails into the soft skin under Jamie's arms and
glared into his searing blue eyes "We need to save Dom!"

Jamieson squirmed deliciously and rubbed his head against her shoulder like a cat at teatime. Whole stadiums full of Musey fangirls would have killed to be Jo at this point. "Sorry" he said "Only I really think my girls can save Dom without us....after all they've been
doing this sort of thing for a long, long time..." He began nibbling at Jo's earlobe "Ooo, you taste nice" he purred.

"NO!" she shouted exasperatedly "How many times must I remind you, Dom and me are together...for ever...and that means no meddling by you...or anyone else...gerroff will you?"
She batted at Jamieson's questing hands and tried to concentrate on the forest below. Despite herself, a small sob of frustration escaped her. Jamieson sighed resignedly.

"Look" he said "If you're really worried, there's an easy way to find him" Jo stared back at him through her tears, faint hope dawning.
"Give me the Doll" he commanded. Wordlessly, she handed the battered wooden Doll to the clone. Reaching under his collar, Jamieson produced the fluffy pink tail end of his leash, which had been dangling down under his shirt since first being attached to him
so long ago when he'd first fallen to Earth. Smirking, he twisted it around the neck of the Doll.

"I used to hate this" he confessed, twiddling the leash affectionately, "Because as long as I have it on, my girls know exactly where I am, and so does Matt" His smile was suddenly
genuine as he considered his brother and the ABRSS/BBCC; the family he'd never expected to find.

"But now, I could never be without it" he smiled sheepishly "because if they ever lost me, I think I would die.....right....here we go..." Clutching tightly onto Jo, following the tingling message sent down the leash from the Doll, Jamieson dived down towards a certain location in the forest below. Stifling a shriek of surprise, Jo clung on and concentrated on Dom, sending her everlasting love and reassurance to him as she and the alien clone plummeted towards the trees.

************************************************** *************************

Back at the Zombie Muse-fest, Matt clutched convulsively at his head and let out a howl. Immediately every occupant of the Cooper was at his side to offer support and strokings.
Well, Chris just did the support bit.

"Urrghhh" moaned Matt "Quick...I think I know where Dom is...shit...we need to go...NOW!!!!.

Fighting for Peace is like fucking for Virginity - Matthew Bellamy

People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect... but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly... timey-wimey... stuff. - The Doctor
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Alt 02.10.2012, 18:33   #34
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AW: Der Zwischenablagen-Thread.


eine DHL-Meisterleitung (zum Glück nicht mein Paket)

edit: Link leider nicht mehr so, wie er mal war ....
Manchmal legt der Tau sich auf mich
Und dann werd ich leise traurig

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